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I'm proud of my int'l audiences: 'Medical Building' star

'Medical Building' star says in an ifilm exclusive interview that he is proud of int'l audiences following up his acting.

In an exclusive talk with ifilm English channel, ‘Medical Building’ star Behnam Tashakkor says he is proud of international audiences watching his performance in the popular series.

ifilm viewers may well remember Tashakkor from hit series ‘Medical Building’. Perhaps there might be some viewers recalling him from ‘The Mukhtar Narrative’ series. However, the popular actor became a household name with his leading role in ‘Medical Building’.

This happened just at the time when he costarred with ‘Houman Barqnavard’ and was featured as an acting duo.

Tashakkor proved his acting talent in many other series such as ‘Chimney’, ‘The Doormat’ and ‘Cops and Robbers’.

Having a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, the actor started his acting career on stage before the small screen performances. He is much regarded as a stage actor than a star on TV series and movies.

ifilm English channel has recently aired ‘Medical Building’ and this granted an ample opportunity to the channel for a quick interview with the lead on the feedback we received from our audiences.

ifilm: Mr. Tashakkor. It has been a while since ‘Medical Building’ went on air by ifilm English channel with great feedback from the audiences. You made your small screen debut with ‘Medical Building’ series. Did you feel afraid or stressed at the time of getting the offer?

Tashakkor: Initially, I was stressed out despite knowing Mehrab Qasemkhani and Peyman Qasemkhani were writing the series screenplay. The Qasemkhani brothers can almost be said to be very good. At first, I had my own fears, but when the series kicked off I had good interactions with the director Soroush Sehat and other cast members.  As such, it was an enjoyable and memorable work for me which I would never forget.

ifilm: Many well-established movie actors started off from TV screen, but they never made a comeback. In your case, you still appear in TV series while being active in cinema.     

Tashakkor: For me, the most valuable element in a work is the audience satisfaction, and I should say the TV audience to me is quite desirable. You just said the international audience watching ‘Medical Building’ on ifilm liked my acting. This is quite pleasing and I’m proud of this. Such audiences are the main drive to appear on TV screen in my case.     

 ifilm: Speaking of the international audiences and ifilm channel, from your perspective, how a TV series can catch such audiences’ attention in general?

Tashakkor: In many of our dramatic products with a social theme, we have good screenplays, though they enjoy local themes which make them less appealing to the audience.

To me, the language of humor is common among many countries, particularly those in the Middle East and the ones with which we have more ties. However in the case of social themes, every country has its own issue. That is why religious-historical works such as ‘Prophet Joseph’ with a common language in most countries are viewed more. In any case, I hope the communications between international media will be improved so that we all get benefited from artistic works.  

ifilm: Your latest movie ‘The Prisoners’ is on the silver screen. Can you talk more about your role in the flick?

Tashakkor: I prefer not to talk too much about it. It is just I play the role of a prisoner whose life is supposed to be turned into a movie. The audiences should watch the film for sure.

ifilm: Have you got any words to ifilm audiences, before we wrap this interview up?

Tashakkor: I hope peace and security will be established around the globe. I would also like to wish success to both Iranian and international audiences.

Interview by Hanieh Khavari

Translated by Amir Ghajarieh

